Do you know Can Hog?
Can Hog – An exceptional hedgehog hospital in Port des Torrent collects, rescues and heals these cute little mammals.
The hedgehog is a small mammal native to the island of Ibiza and is one of the many species of hedgehogs found in Europe. The hedgehog is a nocturnal animal, meaning it is most active at night. It is mainly found in the forests and scrublands of the island, although it can be found in some urban areas as well. They feed on a variety of insects, worms, snails, and other small creatures. The hedgehog is a protected species, so it is illegal to hunt or capture them.
Can Hog Ibiza is a mini hospital and sanctuary dedicated to the rescue, recovery, care, healing and rehabilitation of hedgehogs that are orphaned or in poor condition. A place where they are raised and released back into their natural habitat.
It’s not a toy for kids to do with as you please.
If you happen to find a little hedgehog in Ibiza, don’t hesitate to contact Adila before you touch it and take it with you! Hedgehogs are active all year round in Ibiza, unlike in Northern Europe where hedgehogs hibernate. However, too small, under 500gr, the animals should be nursed back. Moist cat food and water are great. Please never milk – the hedgehogs cannot tolerate lactose and will die!
The Morunos hedgehogs are small mammals of about 20 cm covered with spines that feed on insects, snails or fallen fruit of the tree. Solitary and nocturnal, they are not easy to see, especially as their population has declined dramatically over the last 20 years, although you might surprise someone if you drive at night on the roads and trails that traverse our fields.
Lucky for these adorable native creatures. And finally, someone is watching over their survival. Someone who, with a lot of work, a lot of effort and above all with a lot of LOVE, opened the Hedgehog Can Hog Ibiza Hospital.
During your stay you can be in the intensive care unit where the treatments are administered, they are fed with syringes several times, they are weighed regularly and kept warm in winter.
Those that no longer require as much attention but are still weak to survive are moved to some burrows in the garden where they roam freely and return to their habits. After full recovery, they are returned to their environment.
All of this is done by Adila alone, non-profit, and her salary is used for food and medicine. Some Good Samaritans donate small donations in the form of food, others contribute a few euros, others go a step further and design stickers for the car to collect donations.
Any help is welcome for these little ones. From here we invite you to visit the Can Hog Ibiza Facebook page where you can follow the evolution of some of their patients.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with them if you would like to collaborate with them in any way.
Adila Telephone: +34 636 16 99 02
Facebook-Fanpage: Can Hog Ibiza
Donate here: